Everything You Need To Know About Biometric Time Clocks


Biometrics have become popular security options for government, healthcare, banking, finance, and several other industries in recent years. But did you know biometric time clocks are being implemented as an employee tracker?

This implementation will greatly contribute to the expected biometrics industry growth to 68.6 billion by 2025. Are you considering this technology for your business?

This brief guide will explain some of the benefits driving companies to use biometrics for time tracking and what they are. Read on to learn about the advantages it can offer your business and employees.

What Are Biometric Time Clocks?

A biometric time clock is a time tracker that identifies an employee and tracks their work hours. Biometric clocks are placed at a workplace’s entrance for an employee to punch in or out.

Sometimes they’re placed in specific departments that require specific levels of security and access requirements. Integration with existing key fobs and cards for these areas is also possible.

The employee punches in or out via recognition using their fingerprints, face, or irises. Some biometric clocks use hand geometry for identification as well. Security cards with photo identification are another option for these systems.

What Is the Process?  

After an employee has clocked in or out and their hours are now kept on a virtual time card. This is much faster and instantaneous than paper time card systems.

Then the software synced to the clock will import their hours into the payroll system at the end of each payroll cycle.

The process is very accurate and can account for missed punches and even lunch breaks. It can also account for paid time off and overtime hours. These are just a few of the many benefits that we’ll get into next.

What Are The Benefits?

Biometric time clocks keep employees honest because they can’t add false hours to time cards like they can with paper cards. This is crucial for small businesses that typically lose up to 4 hours of work per week due to this.

They improve security by only allowing access to authorized employees with required credentials. This is especially important if your business houses sensitive documents or expensive equipment.

Paper time cards can lead to payroll inaccuracies caused by mathematical errors, data entry, and memory errors. Biometric clocks accurately ensure that your employees are compensated for their work. 

Biometric clocks are cheaper than issuing paper time cards to every employee. They even turn employee computers into a data collection terminal which further leads to cost efficiency.

These systems also save employees time and limit staffing in the payroll department.

This raises employee morale because the clocks will ensure that they’re paid for every single hour they work and don’t miss out on any overtime hours. This will in turn boost the productivity of your employees. 

Ready To Make the Switch?

Now you know what biometric time clocks are, how they work, and what benefits and advantages they have over older systems. It’s a very smart upgrade that serves businesses and their employees alike. Please check out our other business articles for more useful information and helpful tips.