The Best Places to Install Signs for Businesses


The statistics show that 20 percent of small businesses fail in the first year. Many of them fail because they have no marketing strategy. A marketing strategy does not have to be complex, it can be as simple as putting signs in the correct place.

It is not always easy for a customer to find a business, so you must have some type of sign outside and around the area of your service, to be found by new customers.

There are many places you can install signs. Here is a look at the best places to put your business signs.

Billboards On Highways

Billboards placed on highways are often the best choice for businesses because of the large volume of traffic on the highways. These outdoor signs attract customers from miles away and can be seen from any point on the interstate.

If you have a small business and can’t afford to purchase billboard space, you might be able to hang up posters near the highway.

These work best when they show your company name in large letters, so people know what services you offer as soon as they see the posters.

Window Signs

Window signs also work well as they display through the glass and are seen by people driving or walking by your storefront.

Keep in mind that often window signs can only show your company’s name, so make sure it is easy to read. Ensure you get sign creation experts to create your sign for you.

Near Major Roads or Intersections

People who are in cars or walking by major roads and intersections will be able to see signs that are close to them. These signs should ideally be within a few hundred feet of the street. Make sure that they contain large enough print so that people can see your information.

Spread your net wide when it comes to these signs. Put up signs at every intersection in the city if you want to attract the attention of people who are looking for what you provide.

In Busy Malls

If your business is in a high-traffic area such as a mall, you might want to consider using window signs or window stickers to gain more visibility.

Window stickers are especially useful for small business owners with limited budgets because they don’t cost much but still have an impact on potential customers when they pass by your storefront.

Install Signs to Grow Your Business

It should now be clear that you need to install signs wherever you can to grow your business. Your business cannot grow unless customers can find you.

The best way to ensure that customers know you exist is to use signs to give them information about what you do and where to find you. This is the key to growing your business.

If you would like more tips, please visit the life section of the website.